Authorization Type

Carbon uses Access Tokens to connect to Guru.


The Guru connector allows users to synchronize collections, folders, and cards from their Guru account. Users have the option to disable automatic synchronization and can manually sync using global endpoints.

Authorization Flow

  1. Log into your Guru account.

  2. Obtain an access token by following the instructions here.

3. Provide your Guru username and access token to Carbon via the /integrations/guru or /integrations/connect endpoint to grant Carbon access to your Guru data.


By default, Carbon automatically synchronizes your Guru collections, folders, and cards. This includes text, images, and file attachments within the cards. If the card has an image or file attachment, we replace it with its source url. we don’t actually download and embed these

You can turn off automatic synchronization if desired. In this case, you can use the global endpoints to manually trigger synchronization of the same data.

To sync Guru data on a 24-hour schedule (more frequent schedules available upon request), you can use the /update_users endpoint. This endpoint allows organizations to customize syncing settings according to their requirements, with the option to enable syncing for all data sources using the string ‘ALL’. It’s important to note that each request supports up to 100 customer IDs.

Here’s an example illustrating how to automatically enable syncing for updated Guru content for specified users:

  "customer_ids": ["", ""],
  "auto_sync_enabled_sources": ["GURU"]