Rate Limits

The API enforces the following rate limits per tier:

TierRequests per Minute
Tier 130
Tier 290
Tier 3180

The rate limits apply to the following API endpoints:

Tier 1 Endpoints

  • /organization
  • /organization/create
  • /organization/update
  • /organization/statistics
  • /user

Tier 2 Endpoints

  • /fetch_youtube_transcript
  • /search_urls
  • /fetch_urls
  • /scrape_sitemap
  • /process_sitemap
  • /web_scrape
  • /webhooks
  • /add_webhook
  • /delete_webhook/{webhook_id}
  • /modify_user_configuration
  • /delete_users
  • /update_users
  • /integrations/{service}
  • /integrations/{service}/files
  • /integrations/connect
  • /integrations/items/sync
  • /integrations/items/sync/cancel
  • /integrations/confluence/list
  • /integrations/{service}/sync
  • /integrations/outlook/user_folders
  • /integrations//outlook/user_categories
  • /integrations/gmail/user_labels
  • /integrations/gitbook/spaces
  • /integrations/github/repos
  • /integrations/github/sync_repos
  • /integrations/slack/conversations
  • /user_data_sources
  • /revoke_access_token
  • /checkout/create
  • /subscription/update

Tier 3 Endpoints

  • /uploadfile
  • /upload_file_from_url
  • /upload_text
  • /delete_files_v2
  • /user_files_v2
  • /create_user_file_tags
  • /delete_user_file_tags
  • /resync_file
  • /integrations/oauth_url
  • /integrations/items/list
  • /integrations/files/sync

Requests that exceed the rate limits will receive a 429 Too Many Requests HTTP status code that specifies how many seconds to wait before making a new request. Ensure your application adheres to these rate limits to avoid being throttled.

Rate limits can be increased upon request on paid plans.