
To access these endpoints, you must first connect your CRM account through our OAuth URL (/integrations/oauth_url). No additional steps are required after authentication.


List Endpoints (POST)

The following endpoints are used to retrieve lists of data from CRMs. These endpoints require a data_source_id and support various query parameters to customize the response.

  • Accounts: /integrations/data/crm/accounts
  • Leads: /integrations/data/crm/leads
  • Contacts: /integrations/data/crm/contacts
  • Opportunities: /integrations/data/crm/opportunities

Get Endpoints

These endpoints are used to retrieve specific data by id (returned via List Endpoints) from your CRM. These endpoints also require a data_source_id.

  • Account by ID: /integrations/data/crm/accounts/{id}
  • Lead by ID: /integrations/data/crm/leads/{id}
  • Contact by ID: /integrations/data/crm/contacts/{id}
  • Opportunity by ID: /integrations/data/crm/opportunities/{id}


You can pass the following parameters with the List and Get Endpoints.

Shared Parameters

  • data_source_id: Required for all endpoints.
  • page_size: Integer value specifying the number of records to return per page. Minimum is 200, and maximum is 2000. Applicable on List Endpoints.
  • next_cursor: String value used to retrieve the next set of results. Applicable on List Endpoints.
  • includes: List of additional data to include in the response. Currently supports Tasks and Attachments.
  • include_remote_data: Boolean flag to include the raw data received from the specific CRM software (ie: Salesforce) in addition to our unified data.

Filter and Ordering Parameters

  • filters: Object containing filter criteria. The structure and available filters vary by object type. Applicable on List Endpoints.
  • order_by: Field to order the results by. Available fields vary by object type. Applicable on List Endpoints.
  • order_dir: Direction of ordering, either asc or desc. Applicable on List endpoints.

Example Usage

Retrieving a List of Accounts

POST /integrations/data/crm/accounts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "data_source_id": "your_data_source_id",
  "page_size": 500,
  "includes": ["Tasks", "Attachments"],
  "filters": {
    "Name": {
      "operator": "contains",
      "value": "Example"
  "order_by": "Name",
  "order_dir": "asc",
  "include_remote_data": true

Retrieving a Specific Contact

GET /integrations/data/crm/contacts/{id} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "data_source_id": "your_data_source_id",
  "include_remote_data": true